Natural and Recycled Flooring Options

We’ve all heard that one of the best ways to reduce our carbon footprint is to use natural products and more than once we’ve heard and read about natural flooring. We are guessing you, like most other homeowners are thinking what are the green flooring choices and options available and are eager to learn some basic info to help you decide which one best meets your needs.

Aside from being green or environmentally sound, some benefits include cost effectiveness and durability.

Here are some suggestions that can help you decide in picking out the best one for you:

Natural Flooring Options:

  • Natural Stone Tiles. There are several varieties of natural stone tiles and they are by far one of the most durable and environmentally sound flooring solutions available. Stone tiles, as the name implies are sourced from natural stone deposits that developed over time. The most popular of these varieties include:

    • Granite – considered as the second hardest natural material, second only to diamonds, is known not just for its hardness but also for its unique patterns and classic shades of grey, reds and browns as well as greens, blacks and blues.
    • Marble – may not be as hard as granite but it is malleable and durable enough to win the favor of ancient craftsmen and artisans. Architectural wonders and other artifacts are proof of this natural stone’s graceful endurance.

    • Slate – while slate may not be on the same level of prestige as Granite and Marble, and definitely on a lower price range as well, it has something that the two lack, and that is traction. Unlike granite and polished marble known for their luster and slipperiness, slate holds the esteem of remaining friendly even when wet.
  • Linoleum.  If you want something easy to install, cheap and eco-friendly, then go for linoleum. We get it, we know you have some doubts on the friendliness of this particular flooring solution so we’ve written about these myths in our recent post and another on how to take care of linoleum flooring.

  • Bamboo. It grows without the need of farming, matures easily and have been know for a wide variety of uses in different cultures and across ages and mostly for its resilience bamboo flooring can indeed be a sustainable flooring choice. Its offers variety in design and installation and is low on maintenance. Just make sure to check out this post for some things you need to know about bamboo flooring.

  • Carpets. You can never run out of options with carpets. Aside from the design and considering the variety of materials available, it’s almost guaranteed that something will suit someone’s needs and preferences. There are those made from natural fibers as well as recycled materials.

Recycled Flooring Options:

  • Salvaged Woods. Whether they came from old ships or worn down homes, salvaged woods have this certain history and rustic character that makes it unique and more appealing. Depending on the condition of the wood – its thickness, texture, size and color – you have the option to refinish it to make each piece look more uniform or just keep it distinct for a more detailed character.

  • Recycled Tiles. Tiles, just like carpets are being manufactured from pre-used, pre-loved and pre-worn materials like plastics, metals, glass and carpets. Aside from the lesser strain on natural resources, these recycled products also reduces waste. Another advantage is the cheaper cost, and more importantly, these are usually more precisely cut than natural wood or stone making it more manageable in terms of installation.

Antique Stone and Bricks. These are technically salvaged stones – cobble stones, bricks and pavers that are used to highlight, line and even cover floors and paths. Materials are reclaimed from old structures cut from local stone. Just like re-purposed wood, salvaged stones add a sense of history and pedigree.

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