Finding the best flooring for your home is possible. There are a number of things you need to consider to identify which is the best flooring that suit your needs and getting to know your flooring needs is actually the best place to start since different areas in the house have different purposes. Next to these purposes, identify the activities you have in mind in each area as this will definitely tell you the amount of traffic to expect, exposure to the elements like water and sunlight. These may seem trivial but no doubt, are important factors in knowing which of the different available flooring solutions is the best option to buy.

Then, next and perhaps, the most important thing to think about in making your best flooring project a reality is the cost. Yes, the amount of money needed not just to buy the flooring material but also the cost of installation and maintenance. Finding the best flooring does not end with the material alone. It also has to be functional and practical and there’s no best way to test practicality other than the cost.
Below are some rooms and some ideal flooring solutions for each and why.
In general, there’s no need to have special flooring for entryways and hallways. They can have the same material you have in one room or another, as long as it transitions okay. However, keep in mind that just like stairs, these places receive considerable amount of foot traffic and often is subject to more dirt and grit dragged in by our footwear. What we need to be aware of is protecting the best flooring we want to install by exposing it less to harmful materials like dirt which can scratch the flooring surface and moisture which can cause watermarks and stains. For these areas, we recommend having some area rugs and carpet runners to help protect flooring inside the house.
Living Room
This is perhaps the crowning glory of most homes. If you have an average-sized house, then it is more than likely that you entertain guests and do some family bonding activities in the living room. If this is the case we can expect a moderate to heavy footfall on this room and in general, it is a combination of both beauty and function. If you intend to stay in the property for a number of years and want to make a worthwhile investment in it, then get hardwood flooring for the living room. Sure, hardwood can cause a burden in the pocket but the beauty, comfort and classic sassiness it will bring is definitely worth it. However, if you have money to spare and there’s somewhere else the kids can play and the boys can watch their game, then you might want to invest in natural stone flooring then add some touch of style by accentuating it with carpets or area rugs. Should you have limited space and budget or have some pets and tots roaming around, then natural stone might not be the best idea. If this is the case, opt for wood-based products or more softer but durable flooring solution.
Kitchens are definitely the busiest and most used of all the rooms in any property. The kitchen floor is prone to spills and things getting dropped. So for safety reasons, the best flooring has to be slip-proof and second, it has to be something that’s easy to clean to make the area more hygienic and appealing. For the kitchen it is not uncommon to have traditional tile flooring and hardwood with area rugs to soften it out a bit. Cork flooring is also not a far cry from the conventional and for a busier kitchen, vinyl is recommended for the daily wear and tear and so is laminate flooring.
Be sure to watch out for our next post for the rest of the list.